Good news everybody...
It's just a song.
All I hear lately is how atrocious our world is going to become because of the financial breakdown that is occurring. Hey, I'm not that smart of a guy, but as long as there's still food to eat and places for people to live I think we'll make it. Will everyone in America continue to have a 72" plasma screens? Will people continue to be able to live in $500,000 houses that they can't make interest-only payments on? Will every family in America spend $13K on Christmas this year for tons of junk (and next, and next)? Spoiler Alert: no
How on earth did our 'feeble little grandparents' ever make it through such a horrible time as the Great Depression without big tv's and brand new cars every year? How did they manage to even buy groceries without a credit card? It's amazing!!! It's almost like they only spent money if they had actual cash. But who nowadays could EVER limit themselves to SUCH mediocrity? It would be pure torture.
So you say it's worse than that huh? OK, well now I'm worried because that means one of several options are present.
A - Nuclear war is upon us and we should all begin building shelters or making love. (If that's the case I don't think it's gonna matter either way.)
B - An army of zombies is forming in the northern regions of Canada and they're going to attack all major US cities at daybreak on March 18, 2011 (I had to pay an astrologer big money for that date.)
C - There really are 70 something virgins waiting on those crazies that blow themselves up.
D - Barrack Hussein Obama might really be the AntiChrist (Snopes: False http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/antichrist.asp)
E - All/None of the above
Why can't people take responsibility for their own actions? Yes it's difficult, but that's how we get out of the mess we're in. One guy called the POTUS is NOT gonna get it done. I don't care how much of a 'Maverick' he is, or how much 'Change' he calls for. The only kind of change that's gonna calm things down is the kind people put in a big glass jar at the end of the day, and the only way Maverick is gonna help us is if he flips off another mig during a 4G negative dive (while inverted.) I'm not saying things are OK. I'm saying we took several years to get into this mess and it's going to take several to get out of it. It may be the end of the world, but I feel fine.
Afterthought: I wonder how many people read this post and think, "What a
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