Today is my last day onsite at SkyHawke Technologies. I find myself immersed by memories of late night Christmas testing, impromptu golf tournaments, and beating .NET sites into submission time-after-time. During my three years here I made a number of friends whom I hope to remain close to for a very long time. My first child was born during my time here which makes this place such an integral part of my development as a father and husband. If it hadn't been for the people here I would have been completely ignorant to so many things about myself.
I want to say thank you to everyone in Ridgeland, MS who went above and beyond to make me feel so at home. There is a huge part of me that doesn't want to move on, but that would be unfair to all of us. It's times like these that make me sharply realize that life is 99% journey and 1% destination. I'm so blessed for my journey to have taken me here to such a spectacular place.