Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Warrior Dash - The 5k with extra chest hair
Saw this on FB the other day. I haven't signed up yet but I've pretty much decided to do it.
What is it? It's a 3.22 mile gauntlet complete with fire, viking horns, mud under barbed wire, climbing walls, and real alligators that chase you through the course! (ok, no gators) But seriously, this is perfect for those of you who are bored with your Saturday hour-long run. Sure I could train for the Peach Tree or some other 10K event, but what's the challenge there? To me this is much more intense - because lots of people can run far, but how many can run far, dressed up like a 12th century conquerer, and go through Japanese game-show style obstacles? Not many, I say.
So who's coming with me?!? *channeling Jerry MacGuire*
Go there. Sign up. Win at life.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Ben asleep - check
Fireplace - check
Shoes off - check
Recliner - check
Belly full - check
Good Scotch - check
Too many good things to list. Thank you, Lord.

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Saturday, March 6, 2010


Finally constructed some train tracks for Ben. There are so many things that would have been more productive... but this was more fun! I'm sure he will destroy it with a furious vengeance upon seeing it (to express his appreciation.)

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Friday, March 5, 2010

Ben's AM Farewell Tour

This morning Ben said "bye bye" to basically everything in the house... individually. i.e. bye bye truck, bye bye fish, bye bye nite-nite, bye bye cookie, bye bye dog, etc. I think the grand total came to about 38 items, and it only stopped there because I started driving away.

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